
I’m working on my website.
It’s nothing big, but it’s a site, and I’m proud of it. It’s incredibly time consuming if I’m not careful. Once I get The Call, I’ll definitely hire a designer. But for now it’s all me.
I’m working on a The Books page. I have 11 I’m willing to put up on the site for other authors, my friends and family, editors and agents to see. 11. Two are actually just proposed projects. I might not put them on the site. I’ve gone back and forth on the idea of the Books page for awhile. One part of me says it’s awesome and what better way to showcase me and what I write.
Another says what better way for someone to take your plot. And then I remember there are no original plots and none of mine are all that unusual really, but my voice is completely unique and it can’t be stolen.
And still I’m undecided.
Hmmm. A dilemma. I think I’ll build the pages and then decide.

My family is thankful my Thanksgiving job is open the box, stick the pie in the oven and watch it cook. We eat with my mother-in-law. She’s amazing. Thank God she cooks because I don’t, not really. So how come the majority of marital unrest in my family centers on the question “what’s for supper?” Very strange. I can honestly say I hate Rachel Ray for making everyone in my family think cooking is easy. They’ve eaten my food. They know the truth. 🙂

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